An influencer’s guide to success





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A post shared by Zahra Jani (@beingmom_andbeyond)

An influencer’s guide to success : From being a pre-school teacher, to being a fashion accessories entrepreneur, to being a lifestyle and parenting influencer, Zahra Jani’s journey to success has been paved with challenges and roadblocks, but this girl with grit knew how to overcome these challenges and hit the road to success. Even when the odds were stacked against her, Zahra Jani used her creativity and determination as a lifestyle and parenting influencer to find success in spite of the odds.

Even when the going got tough, she did not let anything stand in her way of achieving her goals and she persevered regardless of any roadblocks. As a mom and lifestyle influencer, she serves her audience in a variety of ways by entertaining, motivating, and inspiring them. As a working mom and working woman, she offers engaging content through her social media platforms, “beingmom_and beyond,” which covers topics such as fashion, fitness, and everyday life as a working mom.


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With a light-hearted conversation with Zahra through “The Influencer’s Corner,” we delved into the mantra for success for lifestyle & mom influencers as well as learned how the trade works.

If you would like to watch the entire interview, you can do so by clicking on the link below on our YouTube channel, or you can read the zist of interview here.

In addition to being an inspiration to many other mom entrepreneurs, she has shown them that it is possible to achieve success even when you have additional responsibilities and challenges on your plate. There is no doubt that her success is a testament to her hard work, dedication and resilience. There was often a sacrifice of leisure time and sleep to make time for both her career and her family, which meant that she had to find a way to make time for both.


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A post shared by Zahra Jani (@beingmom_andbeyond)

Even though she faced many obstacles along the way, she was able to push herself and succeed. By doing so, her success story demonstrates that you can make your dreams a reality with dedication and hard work if you put your mind to it. As Zahra says, “Mothers often put their children first, but it is equally important for them to know their own goals and ambitions, as well as striving to achieve them.” Therefore, she has been able to make a smooth transition into the world of content creation, driven by her aspirations and goals.


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A post shared by Zahra Jani (@beingmom_andbeyond)

Zahra spoke with us and it was clear to us that she was meant to work in the field of content creation since she had previously been a pre-school teacher for a considerable amount of time before starting her own fashion accessory business and then having a baby just a few months later. It was clear to me after I became pregnant that I would never be able to return to my old job, as content creation is what I am passionate about and is my true calling.

As a creative person, I used to take pictures in a very creative way. I shared them with my friends or in groups and received overwhelming responses from them. It was all this that pushed me further to take the plunge professionally as an influencer. We were informed by her.


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A post shared by Zahra Jani (@beingmom_andbeyond)

She admits that it was a struggle in the beginning and it took her a long time to get used to the situation and the immediate reactions from the family were not very supportive either. After I started posting pictures of my family life on social media, they all had a plethora of questions about why I was doing so. However, when they saw how I was posting content on social media, they all gradually started supporting me. As she put it, those days were like speedbreakers for me”, she said.

As a result of her passion, she converted it into monetary gains. As a content creator she also shared with us how she has earned financial benefits as a result of her work


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A post shared by Zahra Jani (@beingmom_andbeyond)

The competition remains fierce, and there is a great deal of challenge when it comes to creating fresh and unique content. There is no doubt that Zahra is dedicated to churning out something creative on a consistent basis so that it coincides with the algorithms on social media platforms. In light of this, Zahra shared with us tips and tricks that can be used by aspiring influencers in order to crack algorithm.

As the interview progressed, Zahra also gave insight into her work-life balance and how she maintains it. In addition, she also revealed how she works with her team and how her fans adore the family posts she creates with her team.